The Staccato, created by Jan Turner, consists of two or more 6-line stanzas.
Rhyme scheme: a,a,b,b,c,c
*Required internal rhyme scheme interplay between line #1 and line #2 (see below explanation and examples).
Meter: 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10
Repeats: This form requires a 2-syllable repeat in Lines #3 and #6 as specified below.
As in a musical notation, The Staccato poetry form uses short repeats which are abruptly disconnected
elements. The repeat words are read as rapid-fire speech, such as staccato music when played or sung.
This form lends itself to strong emotion or instruction (i.e. military poems: “Charge on! Charge on!” etc.),
a declaration (such as of an event: “We’re married! We’re married!” etc.), an instruction or emphasis of
human emotion (such as love, hate, longing: “Be mine! Be mine!” etc.), strong observation (such as
“Those eyes! Those eyes!” etc.) or any similar situation where a strong staccato repeat is desired.
The emphatic two-syllable repeat in this poetry form is written twice, consecutively, at the beginning of
Line #3 (each repeat in Line #3 is followed by an exclamation mark), and once again at the beginning of
Line #6 (with or without an exclamation mark in Line #6). Please see below poem examples.
Also, Line #2 requires an internal rhyme scheme that rhymes with a word within Line #1, usually falling on
the 6th syllable (see examples below), but can fall earlier in those two lines as long as the internal rhyme
matches the syllabic stress in both lines (Example: see below poem: “A Soldier’s Wife” where in Stanza
#2 an alternative internal rhyme falls in Lines #1 and #2 on the 4th and 5th syllables with the words
‘motions’ and ‘notions’).
The below example poems color-highlight the internal rhyme schemes and the repeats as a quick
reference aid.
Example #1:
The Mentor
The world demands your will to run life’s course;
great dreams you must fulfill with no remorse.
Buck up! Buck up! Be at the gait
and ready charge onto your fate!
Each day the challenge will not wait... and so,
Buck up as headstrong you must forward go!
Tomorrow you shall rise to meet each test;
each challenge you surmise will be a quest.
Chin up! Chin up! Be proud and strong
for something ventured can’t be wrong!
You’ll come back wiser, brave with head held high;
chin up, stand tall and reach up for the sky!
Experience will teach you at each turn,
as ev’ry goal you reach will help you learn.
Press on! Press on! With each good deed
see others follow at your lead!
Become a beacon shining in the night...
press on with hope and all will turn out right.
Copyright © 2009 Jan Turner
Example #2:
A Soldier’s Wife
*Song Lyrics
Each morning starts again with hope anew;
Each day I pray is when I’ll hear from you.
Arise! Arise! The words resound
within my head, and still I’ve found
that all my hopes and dreams are but a song:
arise I must, to help the dream along.
My routine motions take me through the day;
a head of notions carries thoughts away.
Be safe! Be safe! I hope you hear
my message coming loud and clear!
For deep in battle, whether land or sea,
be safe my darling... come back home to me.
‘Tis freedom that demands you be away;
your captain has commands you must obey.
Take heart! Take heart! Your flag still flies
and here at home your nation cries:
“Stand fast, for close at hand is victory!”
“Take heart,, my love, you’ll soon be home with me.
Copyright © 2009 Jan Turner